We chased lots of rabbits this week for sure...one that even made my stomach curl (we'll get to that at the end).
New additions:
I guess I'll start with the newest pet LOL She showed up at our door...err, window a few nights ago and has been camping out on my porch. Such a sweet little kitten that has just made Punkaboo and Kypie (my cat lovers) melt. We haven't named her yet so if you have an idea let me know. We are going to vote on one in a few days. She looks mean in this picture, but she isn't. The wind was just blowing and she was cold :-(
Home Ec isn't really new for us, but we just started it again this year. We split so much time up between cooking, sewing, crafting and needle work. Right now we are doing cooking. The girls got to make their own pizza's this week and had a blast doing it! I know it really isn't a hard thing to do, but it was fun and I wanted to start off light.
We added our new science book in this week. I had done a sample lesson out of it last week and the girls really liked it so I bought the book. It's called Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space and is from a young Earth creationist point of view which is what we were looking for. I've always shied away from Earth science because I couldn't find something that I wanted to use. Because of our Christian views finding something that is based off of the Biblical account of history is very important to me. This week week we studied plate tectonics and caves. The girls are working on their science project of making a speleothem out of water, epson salts and string.
They really enjoyed their project and are looking forward to watching it grow. I'm happy that they are loving science and wanting to learn more and more about it!
We added spelling in this week as well and I am happy to say that all spelling words were mastered this week with flying colors!
Miss Punkaboo started cursive writing this week and did a great job learning all her vowels and the letters l, c, t and s. I was so proud of how hard she worked!

What we are reading:
Kypie read Beowulf this week and started Augustine Came to Kent
Ducky started The Magic Tree House Vacation Under thhe Volcano (which I know has HORRIBLE sentence structure, but it's a fun book and it goes with the science topic of volcanoes that we will be covering next week.
Punkaboo has just blown me away with her reading! She is reading every children's story she can get her hands on and I think she will be in chapter books by Thanksgiving if not sooner.
I read Nowhere Caroline this week... ok in 2 days and it was OK, but a bit dragging. I'm going to be reading a book with my husband a book called Family Man, Family Leader. It's for the new Bible Study he will be doing at our church and I want to read it so I can better support him.
My oldest daughter, the Senior, is finishing The Help. It was a total pressure read as she has already read 95% of everything on her reading list for the year.
Speaking of the Senior:
She isn't studying much at home this year. She is mostly done with just a few things left to do. She is using Abeka's Economics course and enjoying it more than I ever thought she would! She has learned about Adam Smith and is on her way right now to the librairy to check out his book The Wealth of Nations (on her own doing LOL). She is of the opinion that she MUST read this book to understand the foundation of Economics. I'm a proud Mom...
This morning she gave her first oral report of the year. It also happened to be our first cold day of the season and we were NOT ready for it. She is sporting the I just grabbed the first warm thing I could find look and pulling it off well!
She was NOT happy with me after taking this picture LOL
And the rabbit? Oh yes, she was here... She was running all around as we did our studies this week.
Which brings me to the Eww moment of the week. Yep, the girls chased a rabbit, right to biology and dissection. Remember the new cat? Well she caught a mouse and ate it...well most of it. I was standing in the kitchen when I hear my youngest Punkaboo come running into the house telling me I have to go outside and see what they found. I follow and in tummy turning horror I find them looking and examing the remains of the mouse. Not grossed out, not making ugly faces, not running from it. No, they were trying to figure out what was what and I was the one that had to HELP them. So I hid my grossed out thoughts and went to work helping them. Oh the fun of a homeschooling mom!
Looks like a great week and you deserve a medal for hiding your grossed out thoughts!
Fabulous! Also, I understand the pride of posting. I took a year off (last school year) from blogging, then regretted it when I was putting my children's year-end portfolios together. I didn't realize how much my blog reminded me of what we had done until I didn't have it!
Looks like a great week! Economics - whew!
I love reading about your rabbit trails (both literal and figurative, LOL).... I wonder how the cat and bunny are getting along?
Sounds like you had a great week though. The science looks like so much fun!
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